How to digitize your company documents? Feel free to do it today

1 min.
26. 8. 2021

Until recently, the ability to contract digitally was just a marginal improvement for many. But now it can be literally existential – either conclude the contract or fail. Are you ready for the future?

The situation that prevailed on the domestic and global market in the spring of 2020 is perhaps unprecedented in all respects. Just a few weeks ago, none of us could have imagined that the whole world could practically stop.

But that’s exactly what happened in the end. And if we omit the health and social concerns, at least for a moment, we are obviously struck by the severe economic implications of the situation. This leads to the question that the vast majority of entrepreneurs and companies are tackling today: how can I transform my business to have a chance to survive this critical situation?

Of course, when we developed Signi, we wouldn’t have thought of anything like that. Originally, we “only” wanted to wish goodbye to paper and pencils – tools that already feel like archaic relics for businesses in 2020. Just consider all the inconvenience and lost time – if you wanted to sign a contract, you had to meet your counterpart somewhere and often sign over lunch or a cup of coffee.

And what if the wording of the document still needed to be modified? Another time lag, which reduced the chances of successfully closing the deal.

That’s all over now with Signi

Our application can help you and your company. Whether in your relationships with your partners or employees and co-workers. Your counterpart never signs anything with which they do not agree. You can send them the documents by email and they can sign after taking the time to review them. They are also able to dynamically counter points or even the entire contract template. It’s all about communication.

You can also execute the entire process on a single device – e.g. phone or tablet. So, for example, if you are onboarding a new employee, the documentation process can easily be 90 percent more time efficient. Contracts that you used to take hours can now be concluded within a matter of just a few minutes.

Thanks to our digital signature and its associated verification, it is now possible to issue and close legally binding documents in real time from anywhere you have access to the internet. All you need is a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Contracts signed this way are legally binding and carry the same weight as classic paper contracts.

Signatures via Signi are, of course, completely secure and adhere to applicable legislation. Regulation No. 910/2014/EC or eIDAS is recognized in all countries of the European Union.

You don’t even have to change your processes

At Signi, we know that most companies and professionals already use some kind of information system, such as a CRM. We are able to connect Signi to them – exactly so that your employees, colleagues, or clients practically do not even know that they are no longer in “your virtual waters”.

Efficiency that is worth talking about

Despite everything, you will probably think of some “buts”. Your processes have been in place for a long time and having to change and learn something again? Is it really worth it?

In our opinion, definitely yes. Many of our clients now regularly process a complete document (from creation to closing) in less than 10 minutes.

Previously this process often took several hours for many companies – not to even mention the days of delay from waiting and modifications. When you do add in such delays, the curve rises rapidly. Thus, efficiency is growing at a dizzying pace. And don’t forget about the material savings from paper, printing, and staff time and energy.