Secure electronic
Fast and paperless

Thanks to Signi, you can digitize your paperwork and sign 100% of your documents. By the book.

Trusted by people from more than 800 innovative companies

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Electronic signature

You no longer need to go to the post office for an electronic signature. With us, you choose exactly the type of signature you need. All Signi signatures meet high standards for security and legality.

  • Signi’s simple signature is sufficient for most business documents. We combine SMS verification and biometric signature. The signature is supplemented by distant identification.
  • Signi’s guaranteed signature is linked to a certificate, which is issued after identification through BankID. Everything takes place comfortably within Signi.
  • Signi’s qualified signature is used when signing large contracts or communicating with the government. It is our highest-level signature.

Distant identification

There are several ways to remotely verify the identity of your business and work partners. Distant identification is the norm today. We allow verification via BankID or through a combination of several elements.

  • Signi Identification requires proof of identity through a government issued ID, verification of liveness through a selfie, and a micropayment. With Signi, you can do it all on one device.
  • BankID identification utilizes your already verified identity. Signi guides you through a simple process to get exactly the data you need.
  • Onboarding automation, order digitization, and workflow acceleration for contract approvals: this is where you will use distant identification most often.

Approval and signature workflow

Endless approval wheels and physical presence of all signers is a thing of the past. Approval processes can be automated as need be.

  • Predefined workflows for approvals and signing will significantly speed up your work.
  • Actual status of your documents is at your fingertips, cleverly organized and in real time.
  • Smart notifications alert all participants when a document is signed. By e-mail or SMS.

Long-term electronic archiving

You are obliged to archive certain signed documents for 3 to 30 years. Signi digital archiving complies with all legal standards and reduces your printing and storage costs.

  • Signi’s qualified time stamp guarantees that no one can alter the document after the fact. Signi can also handle automatic stamp renewal.
  • Signi’s detailed access logs meets both secure data storage and GDPR standards.
  • Signi’s document shredding automatically takes place at the end of the chosen archiving period, according to our shredding protocol.

Bulk distribution of internal documents

There’s usually a ton of internal administrative paperwork. Amendments, guidelines, tax statements, etc. The Bulk Distribution feature sends out such bulk notifications on your behalf.

  • Work with your contacts database directly within Signi. This allows you to send documents to a whole group of people with just a few clicks.
  • Connecting Signi to Excel enables the automatic addition of header and other data into documents.
  • Internal HR documents, directives, changes to terms & conditions, price list changes: the bulk dispatching of these documents will be appreciated not only by your HR department.

Signi digital signing integration is surprisingly fast thanks to our APIs and ready-made system connectors.

Love at first sign

Why do our clients choose Signi for digital signing?
These are the 6 reasons upon which they agree.

Reason no. 1 1

Easy integration with information systems

We designed Signi as a variable component that can be integrated into CRM, DMS, or ERP systems in just a matter of days. Integration into business processes is also possible.

Reason no. 1 2

Top technical and customer support

We are always happy to lend you a helping hand. Whether you need to train your people to work with Signi or just solve common operational problems. You’ll never be afraid to contact us.

Reason no. 1 3

Safety first

Your data is safe with us. We monitor all processes 24/7 and regularly perform penetration and stress tests. Signi meets the requirements of the strictest standards for banking applications.

Reason no. 1 4

Intuitive user interface

We wanted to make using Signi as easy as possible. That’s why we spent a lot of time tuning the user interface. Users will learn the application very quickly.

Reason no. 1 5

Applicable to various types of documents

You choose the type of document and the process you want the document to go through to signature, and we will tailor it to your exact needs. We can also handle various “special” documents.

Reason no. 1 6

Strong financial and operational background

We are part of a strong financial institution. We are backed by Česká Spořitelna, our strategic partner and shareholder. Thanks to this relationship, nothing stands in the way of the continued operation and development of Signi.