A signature as simple as a handshake

Electronic signatures are not rocket science. You don’t need any certificates or to go to the post office. For 95% of all documents, a simple electronic signature in Signi is all you need – as simple as a handshake, but legally binding. Take advantage of our free, no-obligation e-signature trial.

Streamline your business with digital signing

Types of electronic signatures in Signi

You no longer need go to the post office to get an electronic signature. With Signi, you can choose exactly the type of signature you need. All Signi signatures meet high security standards and are legally binding.

  • A simple signature is sufficient for most business documents. We combine SMS verification and biometric signature. The signature is supplemented by remote identification.
  • A guaranteed signature is linked to a certificate, which is issued after identification through BankID. Everything takes place comfortably within Signi.
  • A qualified signature is used when signing large contracts or communicating with the government. It is our highest-level signature.

Relevant in any sector

No matter what segment you are in, you can digitize your company documents. From automotive to healthcare, digital documents will simplify your internal processes and save you time and money.

Electronic signing will help streamline any business. We’ve tested it. Our clients include hundreds of innovative companies from all industries.

The future of business is digital. And that’s not just a catchy buzzword, it’s reality.


Legal overview

A fundamental consequence of the EU eIDAS Directive is that a simple electronic signature is sufficient for ordinary commercial transactions – contracts, orders, handover reports, work reports, etc. This is the foundation of most global e-signature services, including Signi. For dealing with public administration and other occasions, a qualified or recognized signature is required.

  • eIDAS defines an electronic signature very broadly as any electronic data attached to an electronic document.
  • It also makes it clear that courts are to treat documents in paper and electronic form in the same way, i.e. to request, for example, an expert witness opinion on the authorship of a signature.

Advantages of electronic signatures


Speed and simplicity

You are not bogged down by unnecessary bureaucracy, and you do not need to process paperwork for approval. Everything literally happens in real time.


Save time and costs

Everything happens quickly, online, and automatically – no need to print, scan, send, or archive anything.


Legally binding

Signi electronic signatures are valid and legally binding throughout Europe. We strictly comply with the eIDAS regulation.


Anytime, anywhere

You can work and sign from anywhere and at any time. On a business trip, on holiday, on the train, or even in your home office with an ocean view.


Zero error rate

No more dealing with errors in documents. The entire process of creating, signing, and archiving documents is designed to minimize error rates.


No need to install anything

Signing will be handled through your current software. Signi is ready to interface with any CRM or business tool.

Trusted by people from more than 1 000 innovative companies

  • Alza.cz logo
  • Footshop logo Signi
  • lmc logo
  • Multisport logo
  • Nova Signi logo
  • Porr logo
  • Remax logo
  • Rohlík.cz logo
75 %
of documents are signed via Signi within 24 hours
90 %
of documents are successfully signed by all parties

We have been using Signi in our office for about a year. During that time we have signed hundreds of documents with Signi. Agents use this option most often for signing brokerage, reservation, and lease agreements; AML questionnaires; and NDAs. It turns out that clients clearly welcome this service from us because it saves them a lot of time.

Štěpán Gjurič, RE/MAX Horizont

Try electronic document signing in Signi

This is a test document. Although the electronic signature is legally binding, you do not have to worry about anything. We want to show you how easy it is. This document with your signature will never appear anywhere.

    Are you interested? Sign up for a free Signi account
